In the framework of the "Generation Europe, The Academy" project, 3 groups of young people from the organisations Associazione Interculturale NUR (Italy), Internationales Forum Burg Liebenzell (Germany) and Kids in Action (Greece) have met for a 10 days collaboration process to become active partners and actors of the project's future and to explore topics concerning youth participation, local activism, personal empowerment, team work methods and dynamics, intercultural learning and their future.
The main partenrship, involving 45 partners organised in 15 trios, has the goal to inspire an European exchange with youths on European values, solidarity and active citizenship. It will also encourage the practical implementation on the local and European level. Here, youths are the specific target audience who otherwise are generally more rarely part of international exchange programs and less frequently socially/politically active. The project places high value on a peer-education approach that relies on the inclusion of alumni of the preceding project “Generation Europe – Young Democracy in Action”, as well as former participants from other European youth mobilities. The existing network of European professionals in youth work will be expanded and professionalized. Furthermore, local youth work structures in Europe, lobby work, and advocacy for international youth work on the European, national and regional level will be strengthened and perpetuated as a field of work for the participating organizations.
The project is locally cofunded by the Assessorato della pubblica istruzione, beni culturali, informazione, spettacolo e sport of the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Via Pietro Bembo, 10, 09131 Cagliari CA, Italy