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A tour at Cagliari

Ancient towers

The visit of the Cagliari's Castle quarter which has been built in middle ages. We had one of the Itallian citizens who expained the information about stated castle. We saw two towers and one of it called Elephant tower. Visitors can not go inside the towers since they are closed and you can pass under them. We walked inside for 45 minutes and it has great panorama of the city, even you can the sea. Most of the materials specially stones of this castle are from this area. Other good thing about the stones of this castle is adaptibility to lights. When you turn on the lights, the stones reflect the same color of lights.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Upload a picture of the Elephant or St. Pancrace tower in Cagliari as evidence.
Bonus points if you can get a night-time shot with light reflecting on the towers.
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