You have to get all badges from the list below
I am improving my skills on stress and conflict management as well as cooperation with others.
I had to accomplish at least 2 out of 3 tasks to earn this badge, and evidence was reviewed and confirmed by my mentor.
The badge is part of the Achievements Programme for the European Solidarity Corps.
You have to finish 2 tasks to get the badge
Evidence verified by: un organisadó di aktividat
1. Volunteering experience usually has a certain level of stress and ambiguity and it’s important to find a safe spot to relax and get yourself together.
Share at least a few things that do make you relax and deal with difficult situations.
The task is completed after the mentor confirms your evidence.
Evidence verified by: un organisadó di aktividat
2. Social competence is about knowing how to solve conflicts in a positive way. Conflicts might happen as well in your project, therefore we would like to ask you to write for yourself some recommendations about what to do if you get into a conflict situation.
We ask you to share at least three things which may help you in handling a conflict.
The task is completed after the mentor confirms your evidence
Evidence verified by: un organisadó di aktividat
3. Do something good for yourself or in cooperation with others.
You can check with your organisation or mentor what could it be.
Share what you did by writing it briefly or adding a few photos from the event.
The task is completed after the mentor confirms your evidence.