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Experience Volunteering in Sardinia with Assonur!

Entrepreneurship Navigator

The Entrepreneurship Navigator badge symbolises my proactive approach in carving out my own entrepreneurial path within the volunteering environment.
In earning this badge, I took the initiative to meet with my mentor or a representative from the hosting organisation to explore areas where my ideas and efforts could be most beneficial.
This badge is a part of the Achievements Programme for the European Solidarity Corps.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organisadó di aktividat
Meet with your mentor or the responsible person from the hosting organisations and find out what is the space for your initiative?
Your goal is to investigate how you can be useful in the organisation and to what extent you can suggest your own ideas for the organisation.
Write down one or few areas in which you would like to create your own initiative.
The task is completed after the mentor confirms your evidence.
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Experience Volunteering in Sardinia with Assonur!
Badgecraft ta fasilitá e plataforma akí i ta desaroy'é huntu ku organishonnan líder den edukashon. E programa Erasmus+ di Union Europeo a ko-finansiá kreashon di e promé vershon di e plataforma akí. Tuma kontakto ku
Kambia pa otro idioma:
Ko-finansiá pa e programa di Erasmus+ di Union Europeo